Video mode now only show pages where video is the main content


In the ever-evolving landscape of online content, video has emerged as the reigning champion, revolutionizing the way we consume information. Google’s recent blog post delves into the significance of video as the primary form of content, shedding light on its pivotal role in digital marketing. Let’s explore the key insights and harness the potential of video to elevate your SEO game.

Embracing Video: A Game-Changer for SEO

Google’s latest revelation underscores the seismic shift towards video-centric content. As users increasingly gravitate towards visual experiences, websites that prioritize video stand to gain a competitive edge. Embracing this trend not only enhances user engagement but also catapults your site up the SEO rankings.

Unveiling the SEO Potential of Video Content

Here are some examples of page types where the video is supplementary to the textual content, and not the primary focus of the page:

  • A blog post where the video is complementary to the text rather than the primary content of the page
  • A product details page with a complementary video
  • A video category page that lists multiple videos of equal prominence
  1. Enhanced Visibility with Rich Snippets: Incorporating video content can lead to the coveted rich snippets in search results, providing users with a visual preview. This not only captures attention but also boosts click-through rates.

  2. Dwell Time Optimization: Video content has the inherent ability to captivate audiences, leading to longer dwell times. Search engines interpret prolonged engagement as a signal of content relevance, positively impacting your site’s SEO.

  3. Mobile-Friendly Advantage: With the surge in mobile users, video content caters to on-the-go audiences. Mobile optimization is a key factor in SEO, and video seamlessly aligns with this demand, ensuring your website remains accessible and engaging across all devices.

As the update rolls out, you’ll see the impact of this change in your Search Console video indexing report. Videos that aren’t the main content of the page will appear as “No video indexed” in Search Console. We’re also adding a new reason to the report to explain why these videos are not indexed: “Video is not the main content of the page”, which simplifies the report by replacing the following issues:

  • Invalid video URL
  • Unsupported video format
  • Unknown video format
  • Inline data URLs cannot be used for video URLs
  • Video outside the viewport
  • Video too small
  • Video too tall

Crafting Compelling Video Content: A Winning Strategy

  1. Keyword-Infused Titles and Descriptions: Elevate your video’s SEO potential by incorporating relevant keywords in titles and descriptions. This not only aids search engines in understanding your content but also facilitates discoverability.

  2. Transcriptions for Accessibility and SEO: Including transcriptions enhances accessibility for diverse audiences and serves as valuable SEO metadata. Search engines can crawl through transcriptions, further optimizing your content for relevant searches.

  3. Engage and Interact with Viewers: Foster a sense of community by encouraging viewers to like, comment, and share your videos. User interaction is a significant SEO factor, and a vibrant online community can contribute to increased visibility.

The Future is Visual: Embrace Video SEO Today

As we navigate the dynamic digital landscape, the dominance of video content is irrefutable. By aligning your SEO strategy with this trend, you not only enhance your online presence but also future-proof your brand. Embrace video, optimize for SEO, and witness the transformative impact on your digital success.

As we navigate the dynamic digital landscape, the dominance of video content is irrefutable. By aligning your SEO strategy with this trend, you not only enhance your online presence but also future-proof your brand. Embrace video, optimize for SEO, and witness the transformative impact on your digital success.



Google’s insights underscore the pivotal role of video in contemporary digital marketing. By strategically incorporating and optimizing video content, you can propel your website to the forefront of search engine rankings. Stay ahead of the curve, captivate your audience, and unlock the full potential of video for SEO success.

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