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Google’s March 2024 Core Update Impact: Hundreds Of Websites Deindexed


Google's March 2024 Core Update has deindexed hundreds of websites in its early stages, targeting low-quality content and AI-generated spam.


Deindexed sites face significant consequences, losing organic search traffic and advertising revenue.


The update aligns with a study by, which found a high prevalence of AI-generated content among the affected websites.


Widespread Deindexing

Ian Nuttall, a prominent figure in the SEO community, has been tracking the indexing status of 49,345 websites following the launch of the March 2024 Core Update and its associated manual actions against AI-generated spam.


Significant Traffic & Revenue Losses

According to Nuttall’s analysis, the 837 deindexed sites accounted for over 20.7 million organic search visits per month before the manual action. The sudden loss of traffic is devastating for the impacted websites. Further, the deindexing is estimated to result in a monthly loss of $446,552 displayed advertising revenue across the affected sites.


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